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iSams Support

In January AISHK invited all parents to create an iSams account. iSams is the school's new management information system. Many thanks to all the parents who have login. Currently over 800 parents have joined iSams and are using the parent portal. 


This video explains what iSams is used for, how to create an account and use the platform. If you have not done so already, please login toiSams. A unique password and username along with instructions on how to activate an account was emailed to each parent on 21 January 2025. 

If you have any questions or need help please contact, 

Welcome to A New Year from the School's Psychologists

A new school year brings change. Whether your child is starting school for the first time, is new to AISHK, beginning Year 7 or Year 11, or venturing into new classes, it is normal for students to experience a mix of emotions. It's important we acknowledge the possible range of emotions and understand they may come and go as your child settles back into the school routine over the coming weeks. Parents, you may also find yourself riding the unpredictable emotional roller coaster while trying to maintain a level of calm and encouragement. There is a saying “Calmness is catching” ... our kids need to catch our calm. New things sometimes make us feel anxious, it is part of being human.  A few things to keep in mind when supporting your child/young person through this transition time. Take some time to check in with them to hear how they are thinking and feeling about their school day. Give them time and space after school to decompress before diving into questions. Simple, positive, and specific questions, like “What’s news from school today”, “What’s the funniest thing that happened today?” or “What was the most interesting thing you learned today?” can get your child talking. Keeping it casual and picking the right moment is also important - some days there might not be a right moment at all, and that’s okay. Encourage positive conversations about change - all the new things they are experiencing and people they are meeting. Emphasise effort and persistence over perfection when they are tackling learning and managing new environments. Celebrate both successes and attempts to encourage positive self-talk and resilience. Listen to and acknowledge their concerns and worries and work together to figure out ways to reduce any stress. Creating an open, nurturing environment where children and young people feel heard can significantly boost their well-being and confidence. If you have any concerns about your child’s adjustment to the school routine, please contact their Primary School class teacher or Secondary School homeroom teacher. You may also contact Joanna Chan, Primary School Psychologist, or Bernadette Spencer, Secondary School Psychologist.  Looking forward to a year of rich learning and experiences. Joanna and Bernadette

Photograph Schedule 2025

Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February. 

Staff in Green and Gold

AISHK is a large, busy school and we welcome visitors daily. In 2025 staff will be wearing AISHK green and gold lanyards which helps everyone in our community to easily identify them. AISHK staff are trained in safeguarding including child protection which is international best practice in schools. We have included the new AISHK lanyards for your reference and if you need staff assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.

Nut Allergy

This year, we have students in each year level who have a severe nut allergy which includes both peanuts and tree nuts (i.e. almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, and Brazil nuts). To keep students safe, the school’s strong recommendation is that nuts and nut products should not be brought to school or included in lunches or snacks for all students. As students sit together to eat their lunch, this is particularly important. Your support in this area is very much appreciated. Our main priority is for the safety and wellbeing of students in our care. Teachers will most certainly do everything they can to assist through class discussions and reminding children not to share food.

Calendar 2025

Please note the latest version of the calendar at the link below and mark your diaries with term dates. 

Calendars and Key Dates | Australian International School Hong Kong  

Parents are encouraged to mark their diaries with key dates at the start of the year. 

Uniform Information  

Online, Uniform items can be purchased via the online shop. Off-Campus Uniform Shop, In addition to online orders, the Lai Chi Kok store offers in-store sales service, fittings and returns & exchanges.

Extra Curricular Activities Key Dates

Please note these important dates in relation to the ECAs programme.  


Wednesday 5 February – Sport & ECA enrolment closes. 

Friday 7 February – Allocations are made. 

Monday 17 February (week 3) – Sport & ECA begins. 

Link to School Buddy 

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